Our Stories
- 2020
- 2019
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- 2011
- 2010
- 2007
- 1996
- 1995
- 1994
- 1989
- 1988

- Under the circumstances of COVID-19 outbreak, the management has established the DMT’s Epidemic Emergency Management team to prepare the Business Continuity Plan (BCP). Operation department has made plan to respond for epidemic events without any interruption to the Company’s business. The Toll Collection, Rescue, Traffic Managements and other services are still efficiently provided. During the Lockdown due to Emergency Decree and Curfew in effective, the Company managed some employees to work from home beginning 23 March 2020 to 16 May 2020 for the total of 44 days in compliance with the Tollway Concession Agreement that the 24-hour continuous service must be performed without any interruptions. Later on, from 18 May 2020 to 30 November 2020 for the total of 160 days, the Company has arranged for alternative work schedules for employees to avoid crowds on the public transportation during rush hours.
In December 2020, there was a new wave of COVID-19 outbreak. After receiving the announcement of COVID-19 outbreak in Samutsakorn on 19 December 2020, the DMT’s Epidemic Emergency Management team has immediately held a meeting to prepare for prevention measures to alleviate the impacts from new wave of COVID-19 according to the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) with 23 management level personnel for the total of 5 meetings. The management employs the lessons learn from previous outbreak and applied the measures implemented during the 2nd Quarter of 2020 to manage the situation in timely manner. From closely monitoring the government announcement, the Curfew will not be employed like the previous wave of outbreak. However, cooperation from the public is requested for travelling and lockdown in some controlled areas only. As for the Company, an announcement for Work from Home was in effective from 23 December 2020 along with sanitizing the Toll Plaza and Toll Booths, office buildings and operation vehicles. The Company also provided a voluntary COVID-19 test program for employees for the period of 3 months beginning 7 January 2021 to 6 April 2021 at Viphavadi Hospital.
- The project equipment have been successfully installed and tested for Commissioning Test, Burn in Test, and Acceptance Test. Samples of equipment has been started running include CCTV on the Don Muang Tollway Public Company Limited 41 main route and toll booths for surveillance of traffic and service monitoring. However, the equipment installation has been completed, the software fine tunings for detecting unusual events and traffic management are still ongoing for the best accuracy.
- Improvement of the Toll Collection System - Manual Toll Collection System (MTC) and Electronic Toll Collection System (ETC) Preparation Plan. The Company has contracted Q-Free-UTel to install toll collecting equipment for Manual Toll Collection System (MTC) and prepare for development of Electronic Toll Collection System (ETC) with the contract length of 16 months starting from January 2020 to April 2021. The hiring of the consultants in 2019. The Detail Design and Tender Documents were done in May 2019. Afterward, the equipment installation contractor and construction supervision consultant were on board in October 2019. The project work plan was scheduled in 2 phases. Phase 1 will be the Manual Toll Collection System (MTC) improvement and Phase 2 will be the development of ETC which later the DOH has agreed on the concept that ETC System should concurrently be developed along with the Phase 1 work. Both phases are scheduled for completion in early 2021.
- Replacement for Smart Purse Card with EMV. On 10 March 2019, Thai Smart Card Company Limited, the business partner who provided Smart Purse under the product “Smart Touch” since 2013, has discontinued the payment method of using Smart Purse due to their updated policy to move on to better product with electronic payments which the Company has promptly notified the users in advance. The Company has been studying and closely following electronic payment technology in order to replace the Smart Purse with EMV Card. In 2020, the Company has been studying in collaboration with Krungthai Bank PCL (KTB) who is responsible for management of the State Welfare Card to jointly design and develop the replacement of Smart Purse as well as the study of QR Code to accept toll fee payment according to the Cashless Society. The project will be developed along with the MTC and ETC project.
Future Project Developments to improve management efficiency and road network in Bangkok and vicinity areas including other major cities. The Company has strategically planned for feasibility studies of various projects as considered by the Business Development Committee. The study of the Future Projects can be classified into 4 groups as follows:
Group 1 New Projects by government as Private Partnership Projects (PPP) using the Company’s expertise in Operation and Maintenance of Expressways and Motorways.
Group 2 Tollway Connecting Ramp and Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Projects
Group 3 Other Non-Toll Business Projects
Group 4 Overall Improvement Preparation Projects to increase efficiency and modernize the systems before expiration of Concession Contract including continuation business operation plan after the contract ends
In 2020, the Company has been closely monitoring the progress of government projects
- The MOU for study and development of the toll collection system “Free Flow (M-Flow)” in uniform and same standard (Single Platform System) between 5 agencies including Department of Land Transport, Department of Highways, Expressway Authority of Thailand, Bangkok and Expressway Metropolitan PCL and Don Muang Tollway PCL. The study by Department of Highways is anticipated to be used as a contract model to hire Operation and Maintenance Contractor in the future. It is an opportunity to participate in providing comments and simultaneously design the system that can be implemented.
- From the successful issuance of debentures with long-term fixed interest rates in December 2010 at the amount of Baht 7,000, divided into seven sets with maturity periods of 3 - 10 years, the Company is able to control the fluctuation of interest expenses well. Besides, the Company has taken advantages of financial flexibility and gained high returns from cash flow management. The Company was able to repay the last 2 sets of debentures maturing in November and December 2020 at the total amount of Baht 1,640 million. As a result, the Company’s has no outstanding debentures at the end of 2020.
- For occupational health and safety of employees, the Company has established the Committee for Safety, Health and Environment in the Workplace with the Managing Director as the chairman, which regularly meets on a monthly basis, 1 time per month. In conjunction, the Company has a risk management and safety department responsible by a senior vice president which plays an important role in formulating policies and action plans for solving problems and managing occupational health and safety to ensure safe, occupational healthy and proper work environment conditions. The Company has been continuously supporting occupational health and safety activities and encouraging employees to be aware of working safety with the goal for zero work related accidents. As a result, in 2020, the Company has been honorary awarded for Zero Accident Campaign 2020 Award, as well as promoting sport activities for health and harmony every year.

In 2019, the Company has carried out the business according to the strategic business plan as laid out which can be defined as follows.
- Improvement of Traffic Control & Surveillance System Project – SMART Project. The contractor for the project is a consortium consists of 1D2 Group Company Limited, Honeywell Systems (Thailand) Company Limited, NEC Corporation (Thailand), and NEC Corporation. The consortium has completed the construction of the Operation Control center (OCC) including replacement of existing CCTV at the toll control buildings. Installation of the equipment on the elevated tollroad structures has achieved satisfactory progress. Concurrently, software for Travel Time Calculation is being developed to provide useful information to users just in time for launching in 2020.
- Improvement of the toll Collection System - Manual Toll Collection System (MTC) and Electronic Toll Collection System (ETC) Preparation Plan. The Company has completed hiring of the consultants in 2019. The Detail Design and Tender Documents were done in May 2019. Afterward, the equipment installation contractor and construction supervision consultant were on board in October 2019. The project work plan was scheduled in 2 phases. Phase 1 will be the Manual Toll Collection System (MTC) improvement and Phase 2 will be the development of ETC which later the DOH has agreed on the concept that ETC System should concurrently be developed along with the Phase 1 work. Both phases are scheduled for completion in early 2021.
- Replacement for Smart Purse Card with EMV - On 10 March 2019, Thai Smart Card Company Limited, the business partner who provided Smart Purse under the product “Smart Touch” since 2013. Thai Smart Card has discontinued the payment method of using Smart Purse due to their updated policy to move on to better product with electronic payments which the Company has promptly notified the users in advance. The Company has been studying and closely following electronic payment technology in order to replace the Smart Purse with EMV Card as well as to monitor the changes of the government policy in promoting the usage of the State Welfare Card including banking and financial institution in using EMV card with Pay Wave (EMV 4.0) symbols that is being accepted worldwide. Krungthai Bank (KTB), responsible for issuing the State Welfare Card, has been cooperated with the Company to develop the Smart Purse Replacement.
- Future Project Developments to improve management efficiency and road network in Bangkok and vicinity areas including other major cities. The Company has strategically planned for feasibility studies of various projects as considered by the Business Development Committee. The study of the Future Projects can be classified into 4 groups as follows:
Group 1: New Projects by government as Private Partnership Projects (PPP) using the Company’s expertise in Operation and Maintenance of Expressways and Motorways.
- Bang Pa In – Nakorn Ratchsima Intercity Motorway (M6) and Bang Yai – Karnchanaburi Intercity Motorway (M81) Projects
- Don Muang Tollway Extension Project (M5)
- Bang Khun Thian – Pak Tho Intercity Motorway (Bang Khun Thian-Ban Phaeo Section (M82)
- Nakorn Pathom – Cha Am Intercity Motorway Project (M8)
- Kathu-Patong Expressway Project
- Yangon Elevated Expressway Project (YEX), Union of the Republic of Myanmar
Group 2: Tollway Connecting Ramp and Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Projects
- Connecting Ramp Project from Don Mueang International Airport to Don Muang Tollway
- Connection between Don Muang Tollway to Sirat-Outer Ring Road Expressway (Missing Link Project)
- Development of State Property at Moh Chit Bus Station Connecting Ramp to Don Muang Tollway project
Group 3: Other Non-Toll Business Projects
- Intercity Motorway Rest Area Projects
- Airport Automated Passenger Mover (APM) at Don Mueang International Airport
Group 4: Overall Improvement Preparation Projects to increase efficiency and modernize the systems before expiration of Concession Contract including continuation business operation plan after the contract ends
- From the successful issuance of debentures with long-term fixed interest rates in December 2010 at the amount of Baht 7,000 million, divided into seven sets with maturity periods of 3 - 10 years, the Company is able to control the fluctuation of interest expenses well. Besides, the Company has enjoyed financial flexibility and gained high returns from cash flow management. the Company was able to repay debentures maturing on December 2019 at the total amount of Baht 1,100 million, as a result, the amount of the Company’s outstanding debentures at the end of 2019 dropped to Baht 1,640 million.
- For occupational health and safety of employees, the Company has established the Committee for Safety, Health and Environment in the Workplace with a Managing Director as the chairman, which regularly meets on a monthly basis, 1 time per month. In conjuction, the Company has a risk management and safety department responsible by a senior vice president which plays an important role in formulating policies and action plans for solving problems and managing occupational health and safety to ensure safe, occupational healthy and proper work environment conditions, as well as promoting sport activities for health and harmony every year. In addition, there will be coordination to rehearse the emergency preparedness plan which has been announced since 2010 in order to support the risk of riots and shut down traffic that may cause harm to employees
Moreover, on 6 July 2019, the Company was awarded the “Thailand Vision Zero Advanced Level of the Year 2019” at the BITEC Bangna Exhibition Center. This success comes from the good cooperation from all departments. In addition, the Company still aims to maintain standards at advance level and strive to develop towards a sustainable level, that is a challenging destination in the future as well.
Making the Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
The company has succeeded in Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for the organization, especially in part of the information technologies, to accommodate the event of a crisis. The scheme is due to the improvement of the Company's internal control procedures according to the Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission (COSO) as the comment of KPMG Phoomchai Business Advisory Limited.
Improvement of Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) in part of maintenance and asset management
The Company has cooperated with Metropolitan Expressway Co., Ltd. (“MEX”) for improvement of Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) in part of Don Muang Tollway maintenance and asset management due to the system and equipment on Tollway is very important for service according to the concession. The objective of this improvement is to develop data collection, maintenance plan and analyze types of maintenance for efficiently manage budget and manpower to control the Company’s expenses. In the second quarter of 2015, the Company implemented the as plan.
The Company went through a high level review of internal control process provided by KPMG Phoomchai Business Advisory Ltd. (KPMG) in order to certain that internal control, compliance procedures, corporate governance policies and accounting systems can meet the demands of the exchange and applicable regulation of Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission (COSO). KPMG advocated the robust preparation, ongoing government and transparency for readiness of a listing.
The official launched the using of Smart Purse card
For satisfaction and convenience to Tollway users, the Company initiated a business corporation with Thai Smart Card Company Limited, as “Smart Purse”, service provider and a subsidiary of CP All Public Company Limited who operated “7-eleven” convenience store, to provide trial service in toll payment by using Smart Purse card in order to be an alternative toll payment since 2010 and then got an approval from the Department of Highway, as Tollway concession holder, for commercial service in 2012. Then, The company has official launched the using of Smart Purse card for toll payment in January 2013. Moreover, the Company has managed for public relation and marketing campaign throughout the year to stimulating 7-cards and Smart Purse card usage for toll payment.
Study on the improvement of traffic management and surveillance system
The existing traffic management and surveillance systems have been operated 24 hours for 18 years. At present, there is new technology and system to efficient working process for operating staffs, enhance efficiency and accuracy in order to provide better traffic information to Tollway users. The current Communication & Control Center and IT Data Center, which is located at the ground floor, may face a risk of flooding situation. Therefore, the Company considers to upgrade the existing traffic management and surveillance systems together with relocate the Communication & Control Center and IT Data Center to the second floor of Head Office, which will secure the systems operating during the occurrence of flood as Business Continuity Plan. As a result, the Company had completed the system improvement plan by jointly studying with Metropolitan Expressway Co., Ltd. (“MEX”) of Japan, who is the experienced operator of the elevated expressway, at grade expressway, and tunnel totally around 300 kilometers in Tokyo, Japan. The studying process leads to knowledge exchange between entities abs bring the Company towards international standard.
The change in accounting standards
The Company completed its early adoption of the new accounting standard in accordance with the revised Thai Financial Reporting Standards (TFRS) inorder to comply with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) since 1 January 2011 and continuing until present in order to achieve transparency in disclosing the financial information and preparation for listing in the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning System
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System was employed within the Company to manage and internally control its overall database and working processes via information technology system. This project implementation was aiming to reduce the processes, duplication and data error in order to straighten the internal control system and enhance efficiency. ERP system of SAP Business One (SAP B1) was selected whereby Kernel Consulting Company Limited was the implementer while KPMG Phoomchai Nusiness Advisory Ltd. Was the advisory. With the success of implementation ERP system of SAP B1 has commenced and able to “Go Live” on 1 January 2011.
In December 2010, the Company successfully its debenture in total amount of Baht 7,000 million, comprising 7 series with 3-10 years tenor at average coupon of 4.84%, in order to make principal prepayment to all financial creditor under the credit facilities agreement. According to the bong issuance, the Company is able to lock up its financial cost or fixed interest rate in the long term. Besides, all loan securities had been released and wipeout all control over cash on hand under cash flow waterfall mechanism by the Security Agent. This will also help the Company for its business expansion project. Moreover, This is the first year of dividend payment.
During 1997 – 2007, the Company had negotiated with various parties in order to resolve its financial crisis due to the government in breach of the terms and conditions under the concession agreement. As a result, the Company and Department of Highway encountered with the severe financial impacts together with continuous losses in operations since the commencing its business, which brought the highest retained losses of the Company in 2006 up to Baht 5,601 million. In this connection, the Company had entered into debt restructuring process in many occasions with financial creditors as well as construction contractors during 1998 to 2008. Besides, the Company had continuously negotiated with the government entities during the past periods in order to reduce such impacts without entering into any court disputes. Finally, the Company could achieve the settlement and then entered into the Memorandum of Agreement Amending the Concession Agreement No. 3/2007 on 12 September 2007. The major improvements included that the toll rates would be adjusted in accordance with the agreed rates without prior consent from any party and the concession period was extended to 11 September 2034. As the result, the Company’s financial position gradually improved, which was considered as the turnaround point for the Company’s financial position and led to various financial restructuring and improving, i.e. new strategic partner, refinancing of creditor loans, corporate bond issuance, and the preparation for listing the Company’s common shares on the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
The government required the Company to extend its Tollway to km.26+700 to overcome the notorious road bottleneck in front of the Don Mueang Airport, which the government believed that the solution for the problem was to extend the Tollway Project. In this regards, the government provided soft loan financing in the amount of Baht 8,500 million to refinance the Company’s existing debts, improve the toll rate, extend the concession period from 2014 to 2021, and the Ministry of Finance to subscribe the Company’s newly issued share in amount of Baht 3,000 million. Therefore, the Company agreed to undertake such extension of the Tollway and entered into the Memorandum of Agreement Amending the Concession Agreement No.2/1996 on 29 November 1996
The Company has signed Memorandum of Agreement No.1/1995 Amending the Concession Highway Agreement on 27 April 1995 and increased the registered capital to Baht 3,622 million for sale to existing shareholders for use in construction project.
Original Tollway Project has been officially commenced to the public on 14 December 1994. Then, The company has registered for its name change and became a Public Company Limited, namely Don Muang Tollway Public Company Limited and increased the registered capital to Baht 3,500 million for sale to existing shareholders for use in construction project.
The Company entered into the Tollway Concession Agreement with the Department of Highway on 21 August 1989 to construct the elevated toll road from km. 5+700 at Din Deang to km. 21+100 at Don Muang in total approximate length of 15.4 kilometers, called “Original Tollway”.
Registering the formation of a limited company by Dyckerhoff & Widmann Company Limited and Sri Nakhon Kanyotha Company Limited under the name of Don Muang Tollway Company Limited with the registered capital of Baht 1,304 million on 18 April 1988.