Middle Management

Mr. Chaiphat Themeyabutr
First Vice President - Business & Finance / Investor Relations (IR) / Vice President - Finance and Accounting (Acting)

Sun Punurai, Ph.D.
First Vice President - Operations / Vice President - Toll Operation Department (Acting)

Ms. Atchara Chareonporn
First Vice President - Business Sustainability Development (Acting)

Miss Piyaphatr Pongnisub
Vice President - Information Technology Department

Ekarin Lueangvilai, Ph.D.
Vice President - Research & Development

Mr. Panom Jaitrongkla
Vice President - Maintenance

Mr. Jakkrit Tongnaka
Vice President - Office of Managing Director

Mrs. Uraiwan Mekakakorn
Vice President - Office of Company Secretary and CG / Company Secretary

Pornnarong Lueanpech, Ph.D.
Vice President - Project Management

Mr. Noppon Pokee
Vice President - Business Development and Sustainability Strategy

Ms. Rumphai Chompoo
Vice President - Human Resource and Quality Management System

Ms. Prakaipim Tanrangsan
Vice President - Legal & Compliance

Mr. Preecha Samuhawattanachai
Vice President Office of Internal Audit

Mr. Kiattisak Wangmaitree
Vice President - Traffic Surveillance & Management Department

Miss Somthavin Krasairsin
Vice President - Administrative & Purchasing Department

Ms. Jarinya Konglang
Assistant Vice President- Health, Safety and Environment