Assistance Services

Convenience with safety of Tollway users in traveling throughout the Tollway is considered as the top priority of the company.
The Company has committed to develop effectiveness and service of operating staffs at all levels with a fully equipped modern safety equipment to ensure the availability of caring and helping when occurring of any accident or car broken with parking or any unusual event on the Tollway timely. Thus, all Tollway users can be assured that it will be convenient, safe and comfortable in traveling throughout the Tollway by 24 hours.
Guideline when need the assistance or helping on the Tollway
Call for helping request to Operation Control Center of the Tollway. If the car was broken and parked near the emergency telephone installed every 500 meters along the route, you can use the emergency phone to connect to the Control Center. The Control Center can know the location where the car was broken. If the Tollway user’s car was parked at a location away from the emergency phone, you can use your mobile phone to call to Tollway call center 1233 by 24 hours, and then inform the nearest major locations which are easily noticed and inbound or outbound direction. The Control Center will coordinate the rescue staff to help you further.
In event of your car fails, please try to move the car to park at the closed left wayside as much as possible or safety area and turn on an emergency signal light to alert other vehicles to can see your car from far distance and pay more attention. While you are waiting the rescue staff, please stay in the car with seat belts or do according the situation to ensure the appropriate security measures.
Tollway Call Center 1233 Contact 24 hours
Services providing without charge

- In event of the Tollway user car crashes at a tires system and the Tollway user has a spare tire in the car, the rescue staff will help by changing of the spare tire or lifting and moving of the car to a safety area, and then repairing of the Tollway user car.
- In event of the Tollway user car crashes at an engine system with overheat, the rescue staff will help by addition of water to the auto radiator and preliminary checking of the damaging condition and other parts of the engine to be able to move forward.
- In event of the Tollway user car crashes at battery and empty power, the rescue staff will help by connecting of the Tollway user battery to the rescue staff’s battery to charge the power to the Tollway user battery to be able to start the Tollway user engine and move forward.
- In event of lifting or propelling out of the Tollway user cars from the Tollway, which the car crashes any systems or has accident, the rescue staff will lift or propel the Tollway user car out from the route to reopen to traffic as soon as possible and enhance the safety of other Tollway users on the Tollway. Then the rescue staff will move the Tollway user car to the safety area or to a flat area from a nearest exit of the Tollway.
- In event of the Tollway user car fire, the rescue staff will use several fire extinguishers such as dry chemical, water or foam.
Services providing with charge
In case of the car has an oil leak on the road and it is required to use chemical powder to remove the oil to prevent the damage of the road as well as the safety of other motorists.