Safety Standards
The Company deploys international standards equipment to provide excellent service with convenience, speed and safety for travel and commits to social responsibility.
Communication and Surveillance
The Company has the communication center which could well coordinate internally with the special-trained rescue, traffic controls, towing vehciles, maintenance, and toll collection teams together with police officers on Tollway and Viphavadi Rangsit Road in order to be ready 24 hours to ensure the best possible services to Tollway users with surveillance equipment system as follows:

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) are located at every 1 kilometer along the inbound and outbound directions of Tollway for monitoring the traffic condition and incidents on the Tollway. Tollway users can be assured of the assistance with timeliness and safe services in case of emergency.
Emergency telephones
Emergency telephones are located at every 500 meters on both inbound and outbound of the Don Muang Tollway. Tollway users can reach the communication center by simply picking up the phone at the telephone box which is automatically connected into the system. The staffs at the communication center will use the CCTV system to observe the situation, record the picture and voice of conversations between the Tollway user and our staff.

Traffic Management
Traffic management team will work closely with the communication center as well as the Viphavadi Police Station to put the efforts for congestion-free traffic, especially during rush hours, by using various equipment and procedures for traffic management to ensure traffic flow and safety to the Tollway users as follows:

Matrix signs
Matrix signs are situated at every 1 Kilometers along the Tollway route to warn the Tollway users of any incidence on the Tollway and to provide advice on speed limit or appropriate speed during unusual weather conditions and lanes close ahead for safety reason.
The weighing stations
The weighing stations are mainly used to control heavy trucks in accordance with the law. Any overweight trucks shall not be allowed to use the Tollway.

Over-Speeding Detection
Over-Speeding Detection is under the supervision of the Viphavadi Police Station for the safety of all Tollway users on the Tollway.
Crash cushions
Crash cushions are used to enhance level of safety for Tollway users on the Don Muang Tollway, which 9 sets of crash cushions are installed at gore areas on the exit ramps. The objective of which is to allow Tollway users to have safety or reduce the severity of accident in case of direct crash or climb to the island barrier. This device helps to absorb impact or shock. Crash cushions are installed with the selected and certified vendors according to the international standards (NCHRP-350) of the United States of America.

The solar cell speed limit
To increase road safety and decrease accidental risk on the Tollway to the users, the Company had installed the solar cell speed limit signage with LED flashing light of 10 sets, totally 20 traffic signboards, along the Tollway (two kilometers interval) in order to warn the Tollway users to drive at the speed according to the speed limit that set by the law
Mobile Variable Message Sign
Mobile Variable Message Sign can be used to when there are unusual incidents on the Don Muang Toll way, for example broken vehicles, and accident, which block traffic lanes. The control center should notify the traffic control vehicles to use Mobile Variable Message Sign for communicating to the tollway users about the incidents in advance before reaching incidents site. This sign will enhance safety on the Don Muang Toll way for the tollway users and for the company’s staff who are working on the Don Muang Tollway.

Rescue Services
The Company established an Operation Control Center operated by Traffic Control Staff who works as a communication center coordinating between the center and rescue units, tow trucks, maintenance crews, and toll collection as well as liaising with the duty police on the Tollway and Viphavadi Rangsit Road. The users will be assisted at all times 24 hours a day with communication devices as follows.

Rescue Services
In case of accident or broken down vehicles on the Don Muang Tollway, the well-trained rescue team will first try to repair those on site. If this is not possible, the vehicle will be towed down from the Tollway to the nearest exit.