Corporate Governance Policies
The Company is aware of the importance of compliance with the principles of good corporate governance and is confident that the process of good corporate governance is a key factor to help increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the Company’s operations to achieve objectives and missions, in addition to serving as the basis of sustainable growth under ethical operations, environmental protection and social responsibility, in compliance withrelated laws, building confidence and trust among the various groups of stakeholders.
A written corporate governance policy has been provided. The Board of Directors stipulated that polices and manuals on corporate governance be reviewed regularly at least on annual basis and is set as a mission for the Board of Directors, executives, and all employees to acknowledge and abide

Charter of Board of Directors (Available in Thai only)
Charter of Audit Committee (Available in Thai only)
Charter of Executive Committee (Available in Thai only)
Charter of Risk Management Committee (Available in Thai only)
Charter of Nomination and Compensation Committee (Available in Thai only)